Peer-reviewed book
- Hyperination in Zimbabwe: Background, Impact, and Policy,
Palgrave Pivot (2019), with T. McIndoe-Calder and R.
R & R
- Accountability of public works entitlements in rural India, with L.
In Review
- Forty Years of Charitable Giving in Ireland: What have we learnt,
with O. B. Breen and J. Carroll.
- Formal Financial Inclusion in Kenya: Understanding the Demand-Side
Constraints. (2015), with M. King. Chapter in Kenya’s Financial
Transformation in the 21st Century.} Edited by Amrik Heyer and Michael
King. Nairobi, Kenya: FSD Kenya
- Leading Edge 2020: Critical Thinking on the Future of International
Development. (2011), with M. Bateman, L. Gold and O. Moore.
- My Word is my Bond: Delivery of aid commitments by Ireland. (2010),
with B Riordan. Trócaire Development Review 2010, 101-22
- More than a pretty picture: using poverty maps to design better
policies and interventions. (2007), with A. Coudouel and K. Simler.
Washington, DC: World Bank.
- Beyond the numbers: understanding the institutions for monitoring
poverty reduction strategies. (2006), with A. Coudouel, M. Cox, M.
Goldstein, and N. Thornton. Washington, DC: World Bank.
- Impact Evaluation and the Project Cycle. (2006), with S. Bhatti, X.
Gine, E Galasso, M. Goldstein, and A. Legovini.
Working Papers
- Mental Accounting, Spousal Control and Intra-Household
Communication: Evidence from an Experiment in India, with A. Jose and M.
- Shifting spousal decision-making patterns: Who you target in an
agriculture intervention matter. The impact of Farmer’s Innovation Fund
in Ethiopia (2022), with N. Buehren, M. Goldstein and T. A. Ketema
- Income Uncertainty and Preferences for Formal Financial Products:
Evidence from Rural Kenya, with M. King.
Policy Briefs
- Achieving social impact through Graduation programmes
- Overview of the Results from the QuIP Report on Concern Worldwide
Graduation Programme, Malawi, with Concern Worldwide.
- The Graduation Model and Gender Empowerment Research Project in
Malawi, with Concern Worldwide.
- Highlights from the Baseline Survey on the Graduation Households,
with Concern Worldwide.
- The Umodzi Pilot: Successes and Learnings, with Concern